Morning Prayer: Please do not let any
animals die from abuse and neglect today.
Please do not let any homeless animals go
without food today. Please let a needy animal
find a loving, forever home today. Please, if
you love animals and want to help them...

Saturday, June 14, 2014

It's spring again! That means warmth and rains, sunshine, and rebirth. Unfortunately, it also means more animals roaming lost or unattended, or feraL. If you let your animals out, please DO NOT make Spring a "rebirth" season for them. There are so many already born animals who languish in shelters or are neglected, or are victims of cruelty, and who perish from these circumstances. We don't need more born into our world, when we can be giving homes to those already here, just awaiting our Love. Please spay or neuter your pets! Don't leave them out unattended without securing them. It only takes a little bit of compassion and forethought to make sure our animals are safe and loved. And if you see a stray or suffering animal, DON'T LOOK AWAY. Call a local NO KILL shelter and help save a life...BE THEIR VOICES!